University of Hamburg

The University of Hamburg is the largest research and educational institution in Northern Germany and one of the largest German Universities with currently more than 40.000 students and more than 650 professors. Located in the heart of the City of Hamburg, it offers an excellent infrastructure.
The University of Hamburg provides a broad disciplinary spectrum in the following eight faculties: Faculty of Law; Faculty of Business; Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement; Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences. Scientists from the University of Hamburg are involved in more than 170 projects funded by the EU. The research group of Michael Fröba is part of the Institute for Inorganic and Applied Chemistry which belongs to the Department of Chemistry. Currently the group consists of 24 people, besides Michael Fröba, 4 academic staffs, 3 post-docs, 11 PhD-students and 4 technical personnel. The research group engages in material sciences, to be more precise, functional porous materials, focusing on organic-inorganic hybrid materials and chemistry in confined space. It is involved in many third-party funded projects, strongly cooperating with local (for example with the Technical
University of Hamburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht for Coastal and Materials Research, and the Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron), national (Leipzig University, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Leibniz-University Hannover) and international partners (CNRS-University of Rennes, International Tomography Center Novosibirsk).
Role in the project:
In the consortium the Fröba group will contribute to the materials syntheses (carbon nanoparticles, monolithic nanoporous carbons), the surface modification to adjust the wettability as well as the structural and (physico-)chemical characterization of the materials.